I am here to give some inputs on android PI migration. . Apps must target at least API level 28 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for security and performance . From August 2019, new apps must target at least Android 9.0 (API level 28) . The objective here is to make sure that your existing app works as-is on Android 9. Because some platform changes might affect the way your app behaves, some adjustments might be necessary, but you do not need to use new APIs or change your targetSdkVersion. Android Service Problem On Oreo, startService() will throw IllegalStateException. This can be fixed by changing it to startForegroundService(). but it also stops the service immediately if you don’t bind to the Notification with Service.startForeground() within 5 seconds. For other background service we decided to use the WorkManager . Implementation: Since we have minSdkVersion 19, We migrated to workmanger for scheduled tasks and we still use JobIntentSer