Assigning an icon to your Android application just takes a minute. Actually creating the icon may take a bit longer. Create a 48×48 PNG and drop it into /res/drawable. The name of this file is usually “icon.png”. Open your AndroidManifest.xml. Right under the root “manifest” node of the XML, you should see the “application” node. Add this attribute to “application”. (The “icon” in “@drawable/icon” refers to the file name of the icon.) android:icon="@drawable/icon" Your app is now iconned. To support multiple resolutions, you can create icons of different resolutions and place them in the correct folders. Low density res/drawable-ldpi 36×36 resolution Medium density res/drawable-mdpi 48×48 resolution High density res/drawable-hdpi 72×72 resolution Extra high density res/drawable-xhdpi 96×96 resolution ldpi (120 dpi) (Low density screen) mdpi (160 dpi) (Medium density screen) hdpi (240 dpi) (High density s