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Showing posts from August, 2011

New Release JAVA 7

On July 7, 2011, Oracle hosted multiple events around the world to celebrate an important milestone—the release of Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) 7. With contributions from Java users around the world, Java 7 is an affirmation of the vibrancy of the Java community and of Oracle’s ongoing commitment to the language and technology. And now, Java 7 is available for download. This important release is the result of nearly five years of industry-wide development. This process involved open reviews, weekly builds, and extensive collaboration—all between Oracle engineers and members of the worldwide Java community via the OpenJDK project. In fact, Java SE 7 Reference Implementation is based entirely on the OpenJDK open source code. Discover what Java 7 can do for you. Download our resources today. Highlights of Technology Changes in Java SE 7 Swing IO and New IO Networking Security Concurrency Utilities Rich Internet Applications (RIA)/Deployment Requesting and ...

India’s Quest for a National Language!

    A popular misconception among Indians is that Hindi is our National Language. In reality, it is as absurd as saying Hinduism is our National Religion. The fact is that, Hindi is not our National Language; we do not have a National Language or a National Religion. Neither our constitution nor our law recognizes the existence of a National Language. So, from where the idea of Hindi being our National Language came is not clear.      Though majority of the people speak hindi, an even more majority want their children to speak in English. Everyone from a politician to bus driver, want their children to speak in English. This truth has been well established though the politicians are shy to accept this.     India is a country with so many different languages and it is impossible to impose one among these as the national language. It is a very controversial issue and has been so for many years. Article 343 of our constitution dictates that "the of...

Why Java?

The Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) architecture and platform is a powerful open source vendor providing a platform independent, object-oriented, distributed framework for developing and deploying robust and secure enterprise applications and solutions.  Furthermore, it has huge enterprise support from Sun Microsystems and now Oracle. Some of the Java technologies we have used to deliver our projects so far are: GWT, APACHEWICKET,JQUERY,MOOTOOLS,HIBERNATE,SPRING,STRUTS,J2EE Java Platforms – Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE) and Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) Web Frameworks – for web applications, we have delivered projects using the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), Wicket, Struts, Java Server Faces (JSF), Java Server Pages (JSP) and Servlets. Persistence Layers – we use Hibernate and Enterprise Java Beans (EJB) to deliver powerful persistence with databases. Layered Java/J2EE application platforms – The Spring framework, with it’s powerful Dependency Injection (DI),  i...

Storing Values to XML file using JAVA

Create a xml file named Test.xml in source folder. And using the pasted code we can write in to any xml file.. Many options are available for generating XML documents.  XmlWriter  is by no means the best tool for every XML creation task, but it can fill the gap that exists between approaches that are too simple, too heavy, and too complex. Here we used XMLEncoder class. using the BufferedOutputStream we can write to the xml file:) Here we have a small example which can easily understandable:::: /**  * @(#)  *  * DemoApp application  *  * @Sujay  * @version 1.00 2011/7/25  */  import java.beans.XMLEncoder;  import;  import;  import; public class DemoApp extends javax.swing.JFrame{         public static void main(String[] args)throws FileNotFoundException     { ...

Tata Sky launches app for iPhone

The journey has been quite a success. Starting from a unique range of interactive services, then the bi-lingual guide followed by the   Personal Video Recorder ,   Tata Sky   has roped in many customers, who are now happy with its offerings. And to add on to their happiness, the company has   tied up   with Ryz Media Inc. and launched   Tata Sky Mobile Access . The app will enable its customers to access Tata Sky via Apple devices viz.   iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. According to a   report   by Business Wire India, this app will help them used their Apple iDevices as a universal   remote to control   consumer electronic devices in their homes. It will also help them to   access a 4-day program listings ,   read extended information for movies ,   search for programs by titles   and   set their favorite shows from their devices . And for those social savvy customers, this app can help them share what they ...