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Android operating system history

               The  version history of the Android operating system  began with the release of the Android 1.0  beta  in November 2007.  Android is a  mobile operating system developed by  Google  and the  Open Handset Alliance , and has seen a number of  updates  to its base operating system since its original release. These updates typically fix  bugs  and add new features. Since April 2009, each Android version has been developed under a codename  based on a  dessert  item. These versions have released in alphabetical order: Cupcake ,  Donut ,  Eclair ,  Froyo ,  Gingerbread , Honeycomb  and  Ice Cream Sandwich . The pre-release versions of Android were dubbed Astro and Bender, but these names could not ultimately be used for  trademark  reasons. C,D,E,F,G,H,I :-    Cupcake ,  Donut ,  Eclair ...

Things Not to be Done With a Mobile Phone

Mobile phones  said to be the means of communication have spread their wings all over the world. As the National Transportation Safety Board wants a nationwide ban on drivers using a cell phone while a vehicle is in motion. The organization says that it’s a major cause of vehicular death, and could be one of the key ways in which people can improve their safety while travelling. Drive While Talking:   Driving and talking on a cell phone is dangerous. As numerous studies have shown speaking on the cell phone while driving can be as dangerous as drink and drive. Quite often, people who talk on the phone while driving will find that they sometimes forget where they are and what they are doing. It’s a serious issue, and it should not be taken lightly. Losing a Smartphone Without Password Protection:   Smartphone owners leave or loose their devices in a public place unknowingly without password-protection on them. Therefore, anyone can walk over the handset, acc...

Android Developers Blog: Add Voice Typing To Your IME

Android Developers Blog: Add Voice Typing To Your IME

Microsoft Launched Xbox[Gaming Revolution]

Microsoft has come up with a new interface for Xbox gamers with Kinect sensor. Kinect for Xbox changed the existing genre of video games. Games and entertainment came into live with Kinect. It brings live entertainment into action. Kinect is also known as motion- controller where the gamers can use their own gestures to play games. Microsoft claims that it is “a new technological era in live TV in the home where the user becomes the remote control through voice and gesture control”, reports The Telegraph. Microsoft will team up with 40 content providers to increase the quantity of live and on-demand content available on Xbox globally. Other partners include the BBC, Hulu Plus, Disney's online ESPN3 service, Ultimate Fighting Championship, YouTube and cable giant Comcast's Xfinity. The interface is very much similar to Microsoft Corp’s forthcoming windows 8. It was first demonstrated by Steve Ballmer, the CEO of Microsoft. With the new software, the users can contro...

Top 5 languages in the world

Languages are not only a form of communication but an art in its own way. There are different versions of each language and one language can be spoken in different styles. Most of these languages carry a scripture which is the oldest forms of writings which also gives a broad view of how the language has evolved over the years.There are many languages that exist which are unknown to us. Here are 5 most spoken languages. Mandarin is often called Chinese by non-speakers, but it is in fact only one of many Chinese languages, which include Cantonese and Xiang, in the Sino-Tibetan language family. Mandarin is the largest of the Chinese languages, and is the official language of the People's Republic of China and Taiwan. It has over 845 million speakers. It is also one of four official languages of Singapore (the others being English, Malay and Tamil). In addition, large scale immigration from both mainland China and Taiwan have brought large populations of Mandarin speake...

Online Newspapers

The following are the online newspapers available: Kannada News Papers: Kannada Prabha Epaper:  Kannada Prabha a morning daily from the house of The New Indian Express Group, is a major Kannada newspaper in Karnataka. Started on November 4, 1967 with one edition in Bangalore. Editions: Mangalore, Shimoga, Belgaum, Hubli, Hyderabad, Etc... Language: Kannada Website: Frequency: Daily Epaper Country: India Registration: Required Price: Free Udayavani Epaper :  Udayavani is a major Kannada daily newspaper which has its headquarters in Manipal, Karnataka. It is mainly focus on consumer causes and neutral coverage of political parties. Editions: Karnataka,Bangalore, Mumbai, Etc... Language: Kannada Website: Frequency: Daily Epaper Country: India Registration: Required Price: Free Vijaya Karnataka Epaper: Vijaya Karnataka is a Kannada dialy newspaper in Karnataka, India. It is the largest...

Celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking

Celebrated physicist Stephen Hawking knows more about the universe than almost any other person ever to walk the planet, but some answers still escape even him. When asked by ABC News’ Diane Sawyer about the biggest mystery he’d like solved, he said, "I want to know why the universe exists, why there is something greater than nothing." Hawking, who was honored last week at the World Science Festival in New York, is famous for probing the deepest questions of the cosmos. Until he stepped down last fall, he held the post of Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, a position once held by Sir Isaac Newton, the "father of physics" himself. During Hawking’s 30 years in the post, he gave his colleagues new ways to look at the universe. But he also gave the public, through his many books and occasional appearances, a way to connect with the often obscure world of theoretical physics. "Stephen has had a tremendous impact on o...

Android ICS (Ice Cream Sandwich)

Google's latest operating system Android Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) offers a massive array of improvements over its predecessors, brings the best of both Gingerbread and Honeycomb, and provides a raft of innovations. ICS with its fresh look is much more user friendly than previous Android versions. Here are five cool features of Google's new OS. Android Beam:   The only Ice Cream Sandwich innovation that is really new, Android Beam allows users to share information with NFC technology. Just place your ICS handset next to another Android Smartphone or tablet and pass on whatever you are doing, be it watching a YouTube or playing the Minecraft app. New Look Screen:   Lock Screen now lets you jump directly to the camera app from home screen, simply by dragging the lock icon to the camera icon. This functional ity was earlier found in Android phones from HTC and Samsung with 3rd-party apps that had this feature, but it is nice to see it on Android. New Home Screen: ...

Techno World: Android Beginners Guide

Techno World: Android Beginners Guide : Android Operation Syst...

Android Beginners Guide

                                                                                                               Android Operation System: Android is an operating system based on Linux with a Java programming interface. It provides tools, e.g. a compiler, debugger and a device emulator as well as its own Java Virtual machine (Dalvik Virtual Machine - DVM). Android is created by the Open Handset Alliance which is lead by Google. Android uses a special virtual machine, e.g. the Dalvik Virtual Machine. Dalvik uses special bytecode. Therefore you cannot run standard Java bytecode on Android. Android provides a tool "dx" which allows to convert Java Class files into "dex" (Dalvik Executable) files. Android ...


The computer hackers can also be called as computer's papas. The two types of hacking- the black hat, the hackers who exploit the computer systems and get involved in cyber crimes (who are in news) and white hat are people who use their skills of hacking for good. These hackers' activities are now known be corporate event as they create a great turning point in the world of technology.  1. Gary McKinnon: USA declared him as the biggest military computer hacker ever. He whacked the security system of NASA and Pentagon. This made him one of the great black hat hacker celebrities and got his name into the hacker's community. The nerd is now facing 70 years of imprisonment and is deprived from accessing internet. He has illegally accessed 97 computers and has caused around $700,000 damage to the economy. 2. Robert Tappan Morris:   He is the creator of first internet worm ?Morris worm? he was a student at Cornell and from that where he started writing codes to create w...