JetBrains's Android Studio’s 10 year anniversary I remember the major change which has taken place since I started learning android is Android Studio migration from Eclipse. Android Studio’s 10 year anniversary. Watch official youtube : Android Studio’s 10th birthday: our favorite moments! In December 2014 , Google launched Android Studio, Google's official Integrated Development Environment (IDE) based on IntelliJ and it discontinued the Android Developer Tools (ADT) plugin for Eclipse, which means it’s time to leave eclipse behind. Fortunately, we had simple solution to migrate, Android Studio offered a better experience for Android developers and its migration functionality does most of the work for you. Open Android Studio and click on the option: Import project (Eclipse ADT, Gradle, etc) Before Android studio 1. users had to go download a JDK, then download Eclipse...
It is important to note, you cannot mix AppCompat and Jetpack in the same project. You must convert everything to use Jetpack if you want to upgrade. The support library artifacts are being deprecated and all future development is going into AndroidX , so there's no avoiding this migration. Alan Viverette sums this up nicely: “There won’t be a 29.0.0, so Android Q APIs will only be in AndroidX” The stable release of 28.0.0 will be the final feature release packaged as . All subsequent feature releases will only be made available as androidx-packaged artifacts. Below tips will give you a clearer transition path. The current version of AppCompat (v28.x) is exactly the same as AndroidX (v1.x). In fact, the AppCompat libraries are machine generated by changing maven coordinates and package names of the AndroidX codebase. For example, is now For a complete listi...